Why Choose Intuizi for Travel Data

Intuizi uses location-based data as one of many indicators in a signal analysis process, and layers on additional data, analytics, and activation features to find understand, and act on travel data at scale.

Intuizi breaks up travel data into bite-size categories

Air, Cruise, Hotel, Luxury, Resort, Sight Seeing, and Custom for your particular business use case

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Looking for Travel Data to drive business results?



Intuizi provides POI analysis and loyalty analysis of the mobile, CTV, App data by giving more advanced insights.  Most businesses' success is based on listening to their customers.

Users essentially tell you what is important to them through their interactions and behaviors. Signals may make your interactions "smarter" by incorporating them into machine learning models. Smarter interactions improve the customer experience, resulting in higher revenue per session KPIs.

Being a modern platform, Intuizi uses signals to improve conversions and to determine customers.

Intuizi processes more than 1 Trillion signals with an average of 80+ billion new signals every month.

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Data Science and Ad Hoc Analytics


Intuizi allows clients to data append their loyalty data via most of the common cloud platforms to their data lake.

This allows Intuizi's clients to better understand their current loyal customers and see what additional products or services could be a fit for upselling or conquesting opportunities against the competition

Examples some Clients use us for
-Loyalty Visitation data
-Non Loyalty Visitation data
-Competitor Visitation data

Intuizi can help your data team enhance data science and ad hoc analytics, and is based on AI, Big data, and machine learning.

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Connected TV Data


No doubt connected tv (CTV) is the most popular channel in digital advertising, and it shares 13.41 billion of the advertising markets. CTV has become one of the business awareness tools that can drive a measurable ROI.

Let Intuizi analyze your current CTV data or marketing campaigns and help you pull out insights that may be previously unknown to you

Examples include:

- What programs do your loyal customers consume
- Where do they visit after seeing your ad
- What is the average frequency of CTV ads they receive per channel
- What POI's do they visit the most and how often

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Why Choose Intuizi vs. our compeditors?

Intuizi checks all of the same boxes as our competitors around location data marketing, audience intelligence, and behavioral insights.

With Intuizi, you get all the features in one, easy-to-use product including location, app presence/analytics, audience interests, visualization, data ingestion and processing, campaign analysis and attribution, and more. This means you don’t have to stitch all those functions together yourself, saving immense time and money.

The best part? Intuizi's SaaS pricing is a mere fraction of our competitors.

More than 85% of clients who do a POC (Proof of Concept trial) sign up and renew

Lets us earn your trust with our high-quality data and help you supercharge your company customer analytics and marketing efforts

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